
The operation and/or parking of a motor vehicle on the 91自拍 campus is a privilege given to all students and employees. The rules and regulations that govern this privilege are as follows:

Student Parking Regulations

All students bringing a motor vehicle (including motorcycles / mopeds) to campus must annually register it with the Campus Safety Office. Resident students are allowed to register and obtain one parking permit. Commuter students are allowed to register two vehicles and obtain a parking permit for each vehicle. 

To register your vehicle, log into the portal at my.cuw.edu, click on the “Student Links” button on the Dashboard, then select the “Register My Auto” link. To register your vehicle, you will need to know the vehicle make, model, color, year and license plate number.  After completing the online registration, your parking permit can be picked up at the Campus Safety office. Parking permits are not transferable. Students or employees who no longer have a vehicle must notify Campus Safety to update their registration records.   

Parking Permit Fee

All students utilizing a vehicle on campus will be charged a parking fee each semester they have a vehicle on campus (see fee chart for current parking fee). Students can pay this fee when registering their vehicle online, or have the fee charged to their university account. The parking permit fee is prorated one time per semester as indicated in the fee chart. Commuter students may register and receive parking permits for two vehicles, though they are only charged for the first permit. Students continuing classes into the spring semester are required to renew their parking permits onlineAll students having a parking permit during the Fall semester will receive emailed renewal notices leading up to the beginning of the spring semester. 

Parking Permit Placement

Student parking permits must be affixed to the outside of the glass on the driver’s side of the vehicle’s rearmost window. The rearmost window is the window above a trunk or within the lift gate/hatchback of a vehicle. 

Parking Restrictions

Concordia University parking permits are color coded as follows:

  • Green Commuter Student
  • Red Resident Parking Structure
  • Black Resident Surface Lot
  • Resident students who have earned less than 90 credits will be issued a red Parking Structure Permit and must park in the parking structure at all times. A resident student beginning the academic year with less than 90 credits can exchange their parking structure permit for a surface lot permit once their transcript reflects they have completed 90 credits.
  • Resident students who have earned 90 or more credits will be issued a Black Surface Lot Permit. Students with a Surface Lot Permit may park in any campus parking lot between 6:00am-11:00pm.

    After 11:00pm, resident students with a Surface Lot Permit are only permitted to park in Parking Lots: C, D, E specifically designated spaces in lot F, and lots G and M. Resident students with a Surface Lot Permit are not guaranteed a surface lot parking space near their assigned resident hall. Resident students who are eligible for a surface lot permit, may request a parking structure permit when picking up their permit at the Campus Safety Office.
  • Commuter students will be issued a Green Commuter Parking Permit and may park in any parking lot except lots C, D, G, E, or the Parking Structure unless the parking space is otherwise designated by a sign.

Student parking permits are not transferable between vehicles or to another student. Lost parking permits must be reported to the Campus Safety Office. Replacement permits will result in a$50 lost permit fee charged to the student's account.

Click here to view the parking map.

Parking During University Sponsored Travel

Commuter students needing to leave a vehicle on campus while traveling for a 91自拍 sponsored event or trip may leave their vehicles parked on campus overnight in parking lot M. All vehicles being left on campus during a trip must have a valid parking permit. 

Resident Student Parking During Academic Breaks

Resident students traveling during an Academic break such as Thanksgiving Break, Winter Break or Spring Break and leaving their vehicle on campus must park their vehicles in the parking structure before departing.  This allows maintenance crews the opportunity to more effectively and efficiently remove snow/ice from the parking lots.  Students may not leave their vehicles parked on campus during the summer, unless they live in campus housing in accordance with an extended housing agreement executed through the Resident Life Office.

Summer Resident Student Parking

Students residing on campus between the end of the spring semester and beginning of the fall semester must have a valid parking permit. From the Monday after spring commencement through July 31st, resident students are permitted to park in Lots C, D and E. Effective annually on August 1st, students residing on campus until the beginning of the fall term are required to park in the parking structure. This is intended to keep the surface lots open for returning resident students to use when moving into campus housing. There is no additional fee for summer resident student parking if the student has a current vehicle registration on file from the previous academic year.

Temporary Parking Permit

Students temporarily bringing a non-registered vehicle onto campus must obtain a temporary parking permit. Temporary Permits must be purchased online by logging into the portal at my.cuw.edu, click on the “Student Links” button on the Dashboard, then select the “Register My Auto” link. Students who have not purchased an annual parking permit but need to bring a vehicle to campus for a short time may purchase a Resident Student Temporary permit or Commuter Student Temporary permit for $10.00. Student temporary parking permits may be issued for up to 7 days at a time. Students who have already purchased a full semester parking permit are eligible to receive up to two temporary parking permits annually without paying an additional temporary permit fee. After completing the online purchase, the temporary permit will be emailed to you. All temporary permits include a campus map and specific instructions on which parking lots the permit is valid in. Students fraudulently obtaining a 91自拍 Guest Temporary permit rather than the appropriate student temporary permit are subject to a citation each day the temporary permit was issued for.

Click here to view the parking map.

Faculty & Staff Parking Regulations

Faculty and staff must register their vehicles (including motorcycles/mopeds) upon starting employment with the University. Faculty and staff are able to register up to three vehicles. Faculty/Staff permits can be moved between registered vehicles as needed, or you may request a separate permit for each vehicle. Faculty/Staff permits are non-expiring.  

To register your vehicle, log into the portal at my.cuw.edu, click on the “Employee Links” or “Faculty Links” button on the Dashboard, then select the “Register My Auto” link. To register your vehicle, you will need to know the vehicle make, model, color, year and license plate number.  After completing the online registration, your parking permit can be picked up at the Campus Safety office. Parking permits are not transferable. Faculty and staff members who no longer have a vehicle must notify Campus Safety to update their registration records. 

Parking Permit Fee

There is no registration fee for employees registering their vehicles. 

Parking Permit Placement

Employee parking permits hang from the rearview mirror with the University logo and permit number facing outward. Exceptions to the parking permit placement location may be made by Campus Safety on a case-by-case basis. You must request an exemption to the permit placement location in person at the Campus Safety Office. 

Parking Restrictions

Concordia University Faculty and Staff parking permits are BLUE/WHITE. Faculty and Staff may park in any parking lot except lots C, D, G, E or the Parking Structure unless the parking space is otherwise designated by a sign.

Click here to view the parking map. 

Parking During University Sponsored Travel

Faculty and Staff needing to leave a vehicle on campus while traveling for a 91自拍 sponsored event or trip may leave their vehicles parked on campus overnight in parking lot M. All vehicles being left on campus during a trip must have a valid parking permit. 

Temporary Parking Permits

Faculty and Staff temporarily bringing a non-registered vehicle onto campus must obtain a temporary parking permit. Temporary Permits must be ordered online by following the Register My Auto link on the Campus Life tab of the portal.  After completing the online purchase, the temporary permit will be emailed to you. Temporary permits may be issued for up to 7 days at a time. All temporary permits include a campus map and specific instructions on which parking lots the permit is valid in. Faculty and Staff are not charged for temporary parking permits. 

Reserved Guest Parking in Lot A

Faculty and Staff members wanting to reserve a parking space for a guest (speaker, interviewee, business meeting, etc.) in Lot A should contact visitcuw@cuw.edu with the name of the guest, the date of their visit, and the approximate time the guest will be on-campus.

Click here to view the parking map.

Bicycle Registration

Bicycles should be registered by following the same procedure as for vehicles.  When registering a bicycle, enter the serial number in the license plate field. After completing the online bicycle registration, the bicycle permit can be picked up at the Campus Safety Office. There is no fee for bicycle registration.

All bicycles must be removed from the 91自拍 Mequon campus within seven (7) days after the spring commencement ceremony unless a 91自拍 issued bicycle permit is affixed to the frame of the bicycle and the bicycle owner has a valid extended housing contract executed through the Residence Life Office. Campus Safety reserves the right to secure a bicycle to a bicycle rack until the bicycle is registered. Bicycles on campus that are not in a bicycle rack will be deemed to be abandoned and will be disposed of after 30 days unless registered by the bicycle owner.

Guest / Visitor Parking

Students, Faculty and Staff may not park in designated Guest Parking spaces. All campus visitors must register their vehicles online to obtain a parking permit for the time they will be on campus. To order a temporary Guest Parking Permits you will need to visit , and create a Guest Account. Instructions for creating a Guest Account and ordering a Guest Parking Permit can be found here. After creating your Guest Account and providing the requested information about the duration of your visit and your vehicle, the permit will be emailed to you. The permit includes a campus map and instructions on where you can park during the day and overnight if necessary.

Students fraudulently obtaining a 91自拍 Guest Temporary permit rather than the appropriate student temporary permit are subject to a citation each day the temporary permit was issued for. Overnight guests of a residential student are still required to register as an overnight guest in the Campus Safety Office, with the host student present.

Traffic & Parking Enforcement

Campus Safety is responsible for traffic control and parking enforcement on campus. Campus Safety may revise the parking rules, close parking lots, close or block parking lot exits and entrances at any time based on the needs of the university. Campus Safety reserves the right to issue resident students a type of parking permit they may not be otherwise eligible for and to relocate permit holders as needed.

Campus Speed Limit

The speed limit throughout the campus is 15 MPH.

General Parking Regulations

The following additional regulations apply campus wide:

  • Use of any campus parking lot or the parking structure for automotive repairs of any type is prohibited. Campus Safety may be able to provide assistance with jump starting your vehicle or inflating flat tires.
  • Vehicles must be parked in one parking space and in the center of that space. Vehicles parked over the yellow parking space line and occupying more than one parking space may be issued a parking citation and towed at the owner’s expense.
  • Students are not permitted to leave/store their vehicles on campus in any parking lot or the parking structure during the summer if they are not living on campus.
  • Overnight parking of recreational vehicles, motor homes, or camping trailers is prohibited. This includes pickup trucks with slide-in/cabover style campers or tents designed for human occupancy.
  • Overnight occupancy of any vehicle on campus is prohibited.

Parking Structure Regulations

  • The speed limit within the parking structure is eight miles per hour (8 MPH). All drivers must follow the directional signage and markings while in the parking structure.
  • If you are found responsible for causing damage to the parking structure or equipment, any other person’s vehicle or property or for violation of any of these rules, you may have your parking privileges revoked. Any damage to 91自拍 property; intentional or not, may be referred to law enforcement.
  • There is no smoking or loitering allowed in the parking structure. Once your vehicle is parked, you are expected to exit the parking structure.
  • Use of skateboards, bicycles, rollerblades, scooters, etc. in the parking structure is prohibited.

Disabled Parking

Disabled parking spaces are available throughout the campus. Any person with a state issued disabled permit or license plate may park in any designated disabled parking space on campus. Campus Safety does not issue temporary disabled parking permits. Students, faculty or staff members in need of a temporary disabled parking permit must apply for the permit through the Wisconsin Department of Motor Vehicles. Information on how to obtain a temporary disabled parking permit is available online  Violations for Parking in a disabled parking space without a state issued permit may be referred to local law enforcement.

Overnight Parking

Overnight parking restrictions are in effect from 11:00 PM — 6:00 AM daily. During the academic year, overnight parking for commuter students, Faculty and Staff is only permitted in parking lot M. Resident students with a surface lot parking permit may only park overnight in lots C, D, E, specifically designated spaces in lot F, and lots G and M. 

Motorcycle Parking

Motorcycles must be registered with Campus Safety and a parking permit assigned to the motorcycle. Parking permits do not need to be affixed to motorcycles. Once the permit is assigned to the motorcycle, the physical permit will be destroyed by Campus Safety, not given to the student, faculty or staff member. Motorcycles may not be parked in the same parking space as a vehicle. Motorcycle parking is available in Lots H, I, N and the Parking Structure. Resident students with a motorcycle must park in the designated area in the parking structure. Students may register an automobile and motorcycle.

Loading and Unloading Parking

Students, faculty and staff needing to load or unload their vehicle may park in a designated 15-minute parking space. Vehicles parked in these spaces must have the emergency (hazard) lights activated. Vehicles may not remain parked in a loading/unloading space for more than 15 minutes. 15-minute parking spaces are available in Lots H, F, J, K, M, N, Q.

Parking Lot Escorts

Campus Safety officers will provide an escort for any student, faculty, staff member or guest to or from any parking lot on campus to the closest building entrance upon request. Students requesting an escort to the parking structure should meet Campus Safety officers at the entrance to Albrecht / Wartburg. Escorts can be requested by calling Campus Safety at (262) 243-4344 or Ext: 4344 from an on-campus phone.

Please note that Campus Safety Officers may not be immediately available to respond to a request for an escort, however, an officer will respond as soon as possible.

Vehicle Towing Policy

Concordia University reserves the right to tow any vehicle from university property for the following reasons:

  • Parked in an area designated as a fire lane.
  • Parked blocking access to a dumpster, loading dock or other area on campus.
  • Parked in a handicap space without a proper state issued permit.
  • Parked in a posted "No Parking" zone.
  • A vehicle determined to be abandoned, not in operable condition, a hazard or obstruction.
  • A vehicle in violation of any campus policy.
  • Any vehicle not removed from a parking lot which has been closed for a special event or snow removal.
  • Repeated violations of the parking rules and regulations as specified in the Habitual Offender section of these rules

When the owner of the vehicle is a known student, faculty or staff member, they will be notified via email that their vehicle has been towed off campus. The vehicle owner will be responsible for all costs associated with the towing and storage of their vehicle. Concordia University is not responsible for damages caused by towing and will not provide or arrange for transportation to the towing facility to recover a vehicle after it has been towed off campus.

Parking Warnings and Citations

At the issuing Campus Safety Officer’s discretion, vehicles parked in violation of any campus parking rule may be issued a warning for the violation in lieu of a parking citation. Campus Safety Officers are under no obligation to issue warnings and are not required to issue a warning before issuing a citation for a violation of the parking rules.

Parking Citations

Vehicles parked in violation of these rules may be issued a citation for the violation every 24 hours. Students and employees whose registered vehicle is issued a citation will receive a citation notification email in their 91自拍 email account. If a vehicle is parked in violation of more than one parking rule, a separate citation may be issued for each observed violation or all observed violations may be listed on the same citation.

Parking Citation Payment

Parking citations must be paid online; by following the Register My Auto link on the   or  , and clicking on the Pay Ticket icon. Citations not paid within 14 calendar days from the date of issuance will be assessed an additional $20 late fee. This may result in a “hold” being placed on the student, faculty or staff members university account. A convenience fee will be applied to online credit card transactions. Account holds due to a citation are automatically removed at 11:00am the day after the citation has been paid.

Parking Citation Appeals

If you believe you were parked in compliance with the 91自拍 parking rules, you may submit an appeal online by following the “Register My Auto” link on the Campus Life tab of the   or  , and clicking on the Appeal Ticket icon. Appeals must be submitted within 7 calendar days from the date the citation was issued. You will be notified via email as the outcome of your appeal.

Habitual Violator

Habitual offender is defined as an individual who receives three or more parking citations in an academic year (July 1-June 30). After the third parking citation is issued within an academic year, students will be referred to the Dean of Students Office. Faculty and staff members who habitually violate the campus parking rules will be referred to the Human Resources Office. Referrals to the appropriate office will be made following each subsequent violation. Additional Habitual Offender penalties are as follows:

  • Citations 3 and 4 - $20.00 Habitual Offender surcharge will be automatically assessed.
  • Citation 5 - $20.00 Habitual Offender surcharge will be automatically assessed and tow warning sticker will be affixed to the driver side window of the vehicle advising the owner it will be towed if cited again.
  • Citations 6 through 9 - $50.00 Habitual Offender surcharge will automatically be assessed and vehicle will be towed off campus at owner’s expense.
  • Citation 10 and all subsequent citations - $100.00 Habitual Offender surcharge will automatically be assessed and the vehicle will be towed off campus at the owner’s expense.

For purposes of the Habitual Offender Towing Policy, citations that have been dismissed upon appeal or voided are not counted.

When the owner of the vehicle is a known student, faculty or staff member, they will be notified via email that their vehicle has been towed off campus. The vehicle owner will be responsible for all costs associated with the towing and storage of their vehicle. Concordia University is not responsible for damages caused by towing and will not provide or arrange for transportation to the towing facility to recover a vehicle after it has been towed off campus.

List of Parking Violations and Fines
  • 15 Minute Parking Violation - $30.00: Parking in excess of 15 minutes in any designated 15 Minute Parking space on campus.
  • Fail to Obey Stop Sign - $30.00: Failure to come to a complete stop at a stop sign in any campus parking lot or at a campus roadway intersection. Stop sign violations occurring at the intersection of a campus road and public road may be referred to local law enforcement.
  • Fail to Register Vehicle - $50.00: Failure to complete the vehicle registration process including picking up a parking permit from the Campus Safety Office and having a current and valid permit displayed on the vehicle. Faculty and Staff parking permits are non-expiring and therefore do not need to renew their permits. Faculty and Staff are required to register any new vehicle they bring to campus.
  • Fraudulently Obtain Guest Temporary Permit - $50: Students or Faculty and Staff members falsely representing themselves as a guest to obtain a no charge Guest Temporary Parking Permit rather than the appropriate commuter student, resident student, or faculty/staff temporary parking permit. Any person employed by 91自拍AA or enrolled in one or more courses on the Mequon campus are prohibited from obtaining a Guest Temporary Parking Permit.
  • Fail to Properly Display Permit - $30.00: Failure to display the campus parking permit in the proper manner or location on the vehicle. This includes not affixing the permit to the vehicle.
  • Guest/Visitor Parking Violation - $30.00: Parking in a designated guest or visitor parking space by a 91自拍 student, faculty or staff member.
  • Handicap Parking Violation - $75.00: Parking in a designated handicap / disabled parking space without a properly displayed and/or valid government issued handicap / disabled parking permit or license plates.
  • Impede/Obstruct Traffic - $30.00: Parking a vehicle in a manner that impedes or obstructs the free flow of other vehicular or pedestrian traffic in a campus parking lot or on a campus roadway.
  • No Parking Zone Violation - $30.00: Parking in any area on campus designated by a sign or pavement/curb markings as a No Parking Zone. This includes areas temporarily closed by Campus Safety or reserved for a special event.
  • Parked in Fire Lane - $30.00: Parked in any area of a parking lot or roadway on campus designated by sign or pavement / curb markings as a Fire Lane.
  • Parked Outside Parallel Lines - $30.00: Parking in a manner in which the vehicle occupies more than one parking space or straddles a painted parking stall line at the end of an aisle of parking in a parking lot or in the parking structure.
  • Overnight Parking Violation - $30.00: Parking a vehicle between the hours of 11:00pm and 6:00am in a campus parking lot in which overnight parking is prohibited.
  • Drive/Park on Grass or Walkway - $50.00: The operation of; or parking of; any motor vehicle on the grass or a campus walkway is prohibited.

*91自拍 owned golf carts, utility vehicles, maintenance equipment are permitted to drive / park on the grass or walkways when done so in a responsible manner.

  • Unauthorized Parking Violation - $30.00: Parking a vehicle in a campus parking lot which the vehicle is not authorized to park in as determined by the type of parking permit that has been issued to that vehicle owner OR, parking an unregistered vehicle in a parking lot reserved for vehicles with a specific permit type area such as Parking Structure or Resident Student Surface Lot permit. Student or Faculty and Staff member vehicles parked in a parking lot that has been reserved for off campus guests attending a special event on campus may be issued a citation for Unauthorized Parking.

*Resident students with a Parking Structure permit parked in compliance with the Loading/Unloading zone rules may not be issued a citation for Unauthorized Parking.

  • Reckless Operation of a Motor Vehicle - $50.00: The operation of a motor vehicle on campus in a manner which creates a hazardous situation for pedestrian or other motor vehicle traffic or; in a manner which has potential to cause property damage or personal injury or; in a manner in which the operator may lose control of the motor vehicle.

Concordia University assumes no responsibility for losses by fire, theft, collision, or otherwise, to any vehicle or its contents occurring anywhere on campus. Concordia University reserves the right to modify or change parking rules and regulations or void parking permits as deemed necessary.

Click here to view the campus parking map.

Questions or Concerns

Campus Safety officers are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Please contact Campus Safety with any parking questions you may have.

Office: Rincker 023
Phone: 262-243-4344
Email: campus.safety@cuw.edu

Updated: July 2024