
Concordia is committed to a climate of mutual respect and full participation for all students, but accommodations are not determined to ensure success (as is the law for K-12 institutions). Higher education disability laws ensure equal access to the same educational programs, activities and services as all other students. It gives students with disabilities the opportunity to engage like their non-disabled peers and supply their personal effort. Access and personal effort is what leads to success.

Frequently asked questions

What is the difference between accessibility services offered for students in high school vs. college?

There are many differences. For example, in college the student is responsible for self-identifying and applying for accommodations. Please refer to the information below to learn more about the differences in receiving accommodations between high school and college.

Accommodation differences between high school and college
High School College
Education is a right and must be provided in an appropriate environment to all individuals. Education is not a right. students must meet certain admissions criteria defined under ADA as "otherwise qualified."
School district is responsible to identify a student's disability. Students must self-identify with the ARC Accessibility Services Office.
School district provides free testing, evaluation and transportation to program. Student must provide current and appropriate documentation/information for the interactive intake process. The student is responsible for all costs related to evaluation of the disability, if needed.
School district develops the Individualized Education Plans (IEP) to define educational services. No IEP is developed in college, as there is no special education.
Through the school district the IEP Team determines all IEP supports and services that will be provided. The student is responsible to request the approved services at the start of each semester.
Fundamental alteration of programs and curricula are required. No fundamental alterations are required.
Personal services for medical or physical disability are required. No personal services are required.
When should a student contact the Accessibility Services office about their disability?

Students with disabilities should contact the ARC Accessibility Services Office as soon as they are enrolled at the University. This will ensure that the student has enough time to gather adequate documentation of his/her disability. Accommodations cannot be implemented unless the student has finished the interactive intake process.

Do students still have to apply for accessibility services if they had an IEP or 504 in high school?

Yes, students must complete and submit a "Request for Accommodations" as well as the “Accessibility Verification” form and/or medical documentation completed by a licensed medical provider. They may submit a copy of their IEP or 504 Plan, but it is not required and is not sufficient documentation by itself.

Will students receive the same accommodations they received in high school?

Students should not assume that accommodations provided in high school will also be given in college. Also, in high school some IEP’s contained modifications as well as accommodations. College course expectations and objectives differ from that of high school and therefore, accommodations implemented may differ in college. The college provides reasonable accommodations and does not modify course content or objectives; accommodations are provided to ensure equal access.

What types of classroom accommodations are considered?

Examples of reasonable accommodations include, but are not limited to:

  • extended test taking time
  • use of assistive technology for audio-notetaking
  • accessible format for text to speech programs
  • testing in a distraction-free environment

Accommodations can vary based upon needs and type of disability.