
Increasing our impact

The Center for Excellence in Learning and Teaching (CELT) supports faculty and departments in the process of advancing curriculum and teaching excellence through the assessment of student learning.

At the course level, we offer syllabus workshops that help faculty understand how the various levels of student learning outcomes are aligned and how . Individual course syllabi explain how each course links to program-level learning outcomes and the University University Learning Outcomes.

Individual instructors are encouraged to contact us for a teaching consultation on effective assessments for evaluating student learning performance at the course level.

Each academic program at Concordia University participates in our program-level assessment of student learning process. The Center for Excellence in Learning and Teaching participates in this process through individual sessions, workshops and consultations to departments improving their processes. Departments or schools may request a presentation or workshop on any aspect of the six-stage process Concordia describes as Outcomes-Tools-Results-Conclusions-Changes-Impact.

Departments developing new programs receive assistance in developing their program learning outcomes and linking them to university outcomes, their initial curriculum map, and an assessment plan.

Assessment Process Resources

Concordia’s assessment of student learning centers on six University Learning Outcomes connected to the mission and values of the University. Student learning evidence is used to inform improvements in curriculum, pedagogy, instructional resources, and student services.

Teaching, Learning and Assessment Support

Contact the Center for Excellence in Learning and Teaching for faculty and departmental support of assessment.

For assistance with course-level assessment contact Catherine Robertson:

Dr. Kate Robertson


For assistance with program-level assessment, contact Elizabeth Evans:

Dr. Elizabeth Evans

For more information on assessment at Concordia, check out our Assessment of Student Learning Resources page and the Assessment of Student Learning Outcomes portal channel.

Assessing our students’ learning is an important part of faculty work, both at the classroom level and at the program level. Concordia faculty participate in annual program level assessment of student learning outcomes on all undergraduate majors, graduate programs, and stand-alone certificate programs.

See also the Assessment of Student Learning Channel on the Faculty Tab of the .