
View previous editions of Concordia’s Center for Bioethics newsletter, CCB Update.

CCB Update—October-November 2005

CCB Update—May 2005

CCB Update—February-March 2005

CCB Update—December 2004

CCB Update—November 2004

Tentatio 2003—Informed Consent

Tentatio Newsletter Archives

Named after Martin Luther’s understanding of the Latin word for “struggle,” the director emeritus of the CCB, Rev. Dr. Richard C. Eyer, penned issues of the Tentatio in response to some of the bioethical concerns that arose during his time as director. His responses still hold weight today as ethical debates over these issues and their impact on Christians’ daily lives still loom.

Informed Consent—October 2003

Embryos—November 2002

In Vitro Fertilization—October 2002

Bioethics & the Culture of Death—August 2002

Genetic Engineering—May 2002

Amoral Times—April 2002

Pastoral Care—February 2002

A Response to Human Cloning—December 2001

The Terrorism-Ethics Connection—October 2001

Breakfast with the Father of Stem-Cell Research—October 2001

What Have We Done to our Children?—September 2001

Additional Articles and Letters

View these additional materials for more information from our CCB program.

Birth Control

The Beginning of Human Life

Madagascar 2006

Letters sent to and received from the Commission on Theology and Church Relations concerning their document entitled: “Christian Faith and Human Beginnings,” which is about the ethics of embryonic stem cell research.